Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

O Come All Ye Faithful

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.  And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Matthew 2:10-11

Christmas is not just about acknowledging Jesus but adoring him.  It is not first about our witness to the world but about worship of the Christ, the Messiah.  So, come, all ye faithful.  Come, joyful and triumphant.  Let us adore our Christ.  

 At Jesus’ birth, it wasn’t the religious elite who bowed to Jesus in worship.  Rather, it was smelly shepherds – the lowest who came to adore him. Later, Jesus was visited by Magi from the East. The Bible says that they came, fell down, and worshipped Him. But what does it mean that they “worshiped” this child?  Did they know he was God in the flesh?  Were they worshiping him as the God-man?  Were they merely paying homage to one whom they anticipated would be a great earthly king?  Maybe, but little did they know that they were bringing gifts to Emmanuel – God With Us!

Our Advent worship is more like these shepherds and wise men than that of the religious leaders, who knew their Scriptures but wouldn’t bow their knees.  We come as sinners, struggling, unclean, unimpressive, just ordinary people who are lost and often without hope.

But it doesn’t mean we come joyless.  Rather, because Jesus is merciful, because his coming is Grace Incarnate (Titus 2:11), because he came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), to heal the sick and call the sinners (Matthew 2:17), to serve the spiritually broken (Mark 10:45), and destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), we come joyful and triumphant.  So, come, let us adore him.