“His mother called his name Jabez, saying, ‘Because I bore him in pain.’” 1 Chronicles 4:9
In 2000, Bruce Wilkinson came out with a book, “The Prayer of Jabez” It was subtitled Breaking Through to the Blessed Life. The actual prayer that Jabez prayed was, “…’Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request”
I remember when it first appeared, there was great excitement about using this prayer as a model to ask God for more of His blessings in our lives. Sermons using this text also focused on asking God to expand their ministry, to reach new people and places.
In our recent devotion, I was struck by verse 9 on why his mother named him Jabez. In Hebrew, names were very important. The name Jabez meant “pain”, or “sorrow”, or “sorrow-maker.” We’re not sure why she gave him this name. Maybe it was a difficult birth or maybe a difficult season in her life, but whatever the reason, Jabez was labeled.
Jacob, which means trickster, grew up living that label. Tricking his father for a blessing and getting Esau’s birthright. It even came back on him when he wanted to marry Rachel but was tricked and given Leah instead. After wrestling with God, he was given a new name – Israel.
Paul was no longer the persecutor of Christians, but became the Apostle Paul.
Peter was no longer the denier of Christ but became the rock on which the church is built upon.
When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, He gives us a new identity. We are no longer lost, blind, or alone. We are now part of His family and we are loved greatly.
What label have you been living with? Maybe it is shame. Maybe it is not good enough. Maybe it’s not loved. The good news is that we are not bound to these labels. There is great freedom in Jesus. We can choose to believe the labels people put on us, or we can believe what God says about us.