Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Posts by Three Point Bible Church (Page 9)

What is the Truth

We live in an age where everyone has an opinion and feels free to voice it through various social media. There are some that sound good but upon further inspection prove to be baseless. Some are just bad from the get-go. But, before we get too wound up, it’s important to remember that this is…

Go Small

Once we’ve decided to do something, we often like to “go big.” We think to ourselves: if we’re going to do this thing, let’s really do it. Great things can result, of course. But the mentality can backfire, too—for example, when we set our ambitions too high, get overwhelmed, and can’t follow through. Jesus however, suggests an opposite approach. To start small…

Reading the Bible

Have you ever struggled with your Bible reading? If we’re being honest, I believe that we all have. For me, a 62-year old man/boy with ADD, distractions abound. So many things seem more urgent and alluring—things like email, text messages, social media, the latest news, to-do lists, the latest Netflix series, Grand-children, the Braves, Atlanta…

A New Heart

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 What moves your heart? It may be your family or your spouse – or a close friend. However, when we begin to follow Jesus, he creates in us a new heart – a heart that is more like His. We begin to…

Hard Saying

Jesus did not preach an easy-listening message. He didn’t come to be popular. He taught repentance and that life was only found in Him. Just as many today can be drawn to different aspects of Christianity, there are those who turn away from the gospel because they don’t like its teachings, demands, exclusivity, or the…

I Am the Bread of Life

35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. John 6:35 This past Sunday we looked at John 6 where Jesus begins a discourse with the crowd. In verse 27, He tells them not to work for the food that perishes…