Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples


Open Our Eyes…

I noticed that when my 9-month-old granddaughter wants to hide from me, she doesn’t actually hide. Instead, she covers her eyes with her hands. She hasn’t learned that closing her eyes doesn’t make anything disappear. The truth is still there, though we may want to “see things differently.”  Many in our world make a similar…

What is the Truth

We live in an age where everyone has an opinion and feels free to voice it through various social media. There are some that sound good but upon further inspection prove to be baseless. Some are just bad from the get-go. But, before we get too wound up, it’s important to remember that this is…

The Word of God

Like many Christ followers, I have a lot of Bibles. Most of them sit on my shelf next to all kinds of other books. However, the Bible is so much more different than those other books. Look what the Bible says: Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. John 17:17 The words that…

Lovingly Correcting

Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses. Proverbs 27:6 There are many times when I know something is wrong and yet I choose to avoid confrontation. Maybe it’s because I want everyone to like me, so instead of lovingly correcting someone, I just bury my head in the sand. I mean, who likes confrontation? However, I have…

Speaking Boldly – 2

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him…but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.        1 Samuel 30:6 Have you ever been distressed? Overwhelmed? Overcome? I can imagine that some of you are going through a season of rough seas even now. In those times it is hard to focus on much of anything…