Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Advent Hope

Christmas is coming! There are loved ones to see, gifts to give, parties to attend. We prepare our homes for the celebration. We buy and proudly display our ugly Christmas sweaters. We gather with family and watch the plethora of Christmas specials that we always watched hoping that this sense of nostalgia will make us feel better – if even for a…

Invest and Invite

I read a recent survey that was done among people who do not attend church.  In looking at the results, I believe that our calling to bring others into the house of God is more important than ever.  When the participants were asked what would convince them to attend a church service, the majority said that being invited by someone they know…

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast…

“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 Having to wait for Fast Food makes us angry. Amazon Prime being delayed irritates us as we wait for that package to be delivered. Feeling frustrated with the person driving the speed limit in the fast lane. Why are we so determined to do everything quickly? I doubt that many of us…

Reading the Old Testament

We have been in a series all summer where we have been in the Old Testament looking at the minor prophets. I want to thank you all for hanging in as we have looked at these books and how they still speak to us today.  Let’s be honest, for many, simply opening a Bible can be an incredibly intimidating thing, especially if…

Is It Fall Already?

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forevermore. Amen.”  Romans 11:36 There is this tree down the street from our home that started turning beautiful shades of fall colors…back in August. I remember doing a double take when I noticed the green giving way to patches of yellow and orange, eventually culminating in…

Be a Peacemaker

In a culture where everybody is at each other’s throats, we need a breath of fresh air–fresh air of peace among people. And this fresh air needs to be more prevalent in Christians. All of this constant bickering isn’t getting us anywhere. This may be an election year — and tensions are high from racial issues and COVID — but that doesn’t…

A New Series

This Sunday, I will begin a series on the book of Galatians. Paul begins the letter reminding the Galatians about the Gospel – Jesus sacrificial death to bring us new life. However, he quickly chastises them for quickly adopting other practices and using them as an alternative to God’s grace. In this short letter, Paul reveals that living the Gospel life is…

Why Do I Worry?

How do you typically handle unexpected events in your life? How has worry influenced your thoughts and actions? Why do we so often allow ourselves to be consumed by worry? Worry is a matter of perspective. If anyone had a reason to worry—it was Paul as he wrote Philippians. Paul’s perspective of God: Nothing separates you from the love of God. Facing…

What Have We Learned?

As almost everyone would agree, the past few months have been the most challenging of our lives. Who would have thought back last Christmas that by March we would all be “sheltering in place” to prevent contracting a deadly virus that was killing not only thousands but hundreds of thousands of people worldwide? Our entire way of life changed drastically. Who could…

In Times Like These

Do you think we are living in unusual times? Do you sense an uncomfortable struggle in both the secular and spiritual world? If so, you are not alone.  Christian leaders around the globe are wrestling in their spirit with the issues that confront us. Whether in the form of a biological, societal, or spiritual pandemic, those whom God has called to spiritual leadership are wrestling “not…