Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Going Big

As I’m writing this, Margie is busy packing for our trip to Salt Lake City (notice how I got out of the packing…). We are meeting all of our children and grandchildren there to spend a few days skiing, snowmobiling, and family time. I was reminded by Margie (and many, many others), that whenever I get involved in an activity, I usually…

The Church that Jesus Built

We just finished a series on The Church that Jesus Built. We looked at the differences in the mindset of the modern church in light of what Jesus said the church should be. My prayer is that we grew as the body of Christ during this study. I believe the way we view the Church will determine what we get from the…

2020 Vision

I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about the New Year! So, I have a question for you. How’s your vision? I know we all wish we could answer that it’s 20/20, however, many of us need glasses or contacts to get us to that point. Well, this year is 2020! I know it’s not quite the same as physical vision,…

The Greatest Gift

Wearily she sat upon the donkey, Would this journey never end? Many questions filled her mind As they headed to the town of Bethlehem Ever since the angel’s visit, Her life had been a tangled mess. Whispers challenging her honor, Brought confusion and hurtful stress. But the ones who really mattered Believed the heavenly angel’s words, Now her time was growing closer,…

Hope, Joy, and Love

This week in our advent devotionals we are talking about hope and joy. As I was praying this morning, I thought about how God is in the business of unexpected victories. When it looks like everything is completely hopeless and out of control, those are the moments God gets to show us who he really is. After Malachi (the last book in…

A Birthday Present For Jesus

During the holidays with advertisements for presents, toys, food, and everything else under the sun, if we aren’t careful we’ll miss the very heart of Christmas. I remember the first Christmas my family and I spent at the seminary in New Orleans. We met a wonderful couple named Dave and Darlene Gore. They really made an impression on me, especially Darlene. Every…

Am I Truly Thankful?

At this time of the year, when our thoughts wander back to family get togethers, we remember that the food was delicious, and that we had the opportunity to catch up with the activities of out of town relatives over pumpkin pie and coffee. To be honest even though I was raised in a wonderful Christian home, we never discussed what we…

Do Something About It

If you listen to Christian radio, you might remember a song that came out several years ago, and to be honest, I don’t even know who sang it. But the theme of it really caught my attention. The guy singing it was noticing homeless, hungry people and the sorry state of the world and he was asking God, “Why don’t you do…

But How?

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, three relationships were broken: the relationship between us and God, the relationship between man and himself, and the relationship between us and others. Our job now is to repair and rebuild those relationships, in our own unique ways, as much as we can during our lifetimes, and to encourage and assist others in doing likewise.…

Come on Down to the Hoedown!

Friday night October 25th at 6:30 is our annual hoedown and each one is more fun than the one before. If you think church is boring and stiff and no fun at all, you will have all your preconceptions about church proven wrong after attending the Rootin’ Tootin’ Hoedown. We’ll start with homemade chili made by various church members with all the…