Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Am I Truly Thankful?

At this time of the year, when our thoughts wander back to family get togethers, we remember that the food was delicious, and that we had the opportunity to catch up with the activities of out of town relatives over pumpkin pie and coffee. To be honest even though I was raised in a wonderful Christian home, we never discussed what we…

Do Something About It

If you listen to Christian radio, you might remember a song that came out several years ago, and to be honest, I don’t even know who sang it. But the theme of it really caught my attention. The guy singing it was noticing homeless, hungry people and the sorry state of the world and he was asking God, “Why don’t you do…

But How?

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, three relationships were broken: the relationship between us and God, the relationship between man and himself, and the relationship between us and others. Our job now is to repair and rebuild those relationships, in our own unique ways, as much as we can during our lifetimes, and to encourage and assist others in doing likewise.…

Come on Down to the Hoedown!

Friday night October 25th at 6:30 is our annual hoedown and each one is more fun than the one before. If you think church is boring and stiff and no fun at all, you will have all your preconceptions about church proven wrong after attending the Rootin’ Tootin’ Hoedown. We’ll start with homemade chili made by various church members with all the…

The Beauty of God

Fall has finally arrived! About time, isn’t it? The trees are slowly turning into their fall colors, there’s a freshness in the air, and the skies are bright blue, except when it’s raining, but we need that too. Sometimes when I see a particularly beautiful sunset of fuchsias, oranges, and purples or I see a rainbow in the midst of drizzle and…

September Highlights

September was a wonderful month for our church in many ways. Our much anticipated revival held on the 15th and 16th did not disappoint. The three themes Rev. Tom Atkins preached of Surrendering All to God, Being Filled with the Holy Spirit, and Healing were preached with fervor, humor, personal experiences of God’s power and intervention, and practical teaching from the Word…

Don’t Miss A Tremendous Blessing!!!

Tomorrow night, September 25th, Merik Kulec, our missionary from Poland (who pastors churches both in Poland and Czech Republic) will be giving his testimony and an update on his ministry in Poland and Czech Republic. You can come and join us for dinner here at the church at 6:00 and/or come to hear Mirek speak at our 7:00 service. I have read…

Active Faith

“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? . . . Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” James 2:14, 18. We just finished a study of the Book of James. One of the main themes in this letter is that our…

Revival Has Come to 3 Point!

If you missed yesterday’s morning andor evening revival services you missed out on a mighty blessing!!! Rev. Tom Atkins has been preaching on surrendering everything to God and how to filled with the Holy Spirit. Some people get nervous when you start talking about the Holy Spirit (Ghost). The only problem with that is He is as much a part of the…

Effectual, Fervent Prayer

I had often wondered exactly what this verse in James 5 meant: Confess your faults one to another,  and  pray  one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. I think I overlooked that first sentence and only thought of the last one. Let’s face it, no one wants to confess our faults or…