Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Laying the Ground Work

Last night was our 2nd night of prayer. And even though it was raining, several people came out to pray. We began the service with songs of praise and worship as we had the night before. Then Pastor Paul gave us a list of questions and he went over scripture that we needed to think and pray about. I remember that several…

Personal Revival through Prayer

Last night we started our week of prayer services in preparing for our Revival this weekend. Before any great movement of God, there has been prayer, prayer, prayer. PRAYER IS SIMPLY COMMUNICATING WITH GOD. So why People Don’t Pray More? Not sure how to pray. Get bored or distracted while trying to pray. Think requests are too small for God. Not sure…

Time of Intimate Prayer

Last night was the beginning of our week of prayer leading up to our revival this coming Sunday and Monday. There was a holy hush as I came in and found a seat. We began the service with an informal time of praise and worship music which set the mood for teaching and scripture reading by Pastor Paul. In between each one,…

Revive Us Again…

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.” James 5:16 I would like to take this opportunity to invite the entire church family to join us for a Revival Service on Sunday 9/15 at 11:00am and at 7:00pm and on…

Deeper Prayer

Before I became a staff member and started working part time here at the church, I’m ashamed to say I never entered our beautiful prayer room. I knew it was there, but I guess my excuse was that I was too busy to spend any time exploring the interior of the prayer room. That I say with deep regret. Don’t misunderstand, I…


The Rev. Tom Atkins, General Evangelist North Georgia Conference, represents a new generation of evangelists by seeking to bring the timeless truths and experiences of the Gospel to our contemporary culture. After many years in struggling with a call into full time evangelism, Tom was appointed as a General Evangelist from the North Georgia Conference in 1994. He pastored United Methodist churches…

Good Works

James tells us that, “…faith apart from works is dead” (James 2:26). In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about talents given to three servants and how they used – or didn’t use, those talents. For the two servants that used their talents for work, the master responds with the words, “well done, good and faithful servant.” For the one who didn’t…

Hearing From God

I am the good shepherd . . . My sheep hear My voice—John 10:11, 27 God has had direct, personal relationships with a lot of people . . . Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Gideon, David, Mary, Joseph, Paul, etc. What about you and me, though? Many of us might think that those people were special, different from us. And so, we might decide…

Mission Trips Slide Show

Last Wednesday night we had the pleasure of seeing the slides of two recent Mission trips: One that Naomi Soto took to South Dakota to give free dental care to the local American Indians and the other mission trip to various cities in Equador by Pastor Paul Cook, Pastor Edwin Soto and Dave Sigler. Naomi, a dental hygienist and her boss, who…

Youth Retreat Report

The Youth spent a wonderful weekend together reconnecting with the Lord and each other. Bible lessons, team building activities and fellowship allowed the youth to understand that the choices they make today will impact the choices they have in the future. Choices such as not overreacting and relying on the Holy Spirit for self control. Other choices such as relying on God…