Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Prodigal Too Coming on May 17th-19th, the Three Point Drama team will present a play entitled Prodigal Too.It is a story of Sarah Ryan, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, who has just turned 21 and wants to go to Nashville with her boyfriend to try and make it in the music business. Her dad agrees to give her a large sum of money and, like the…

Reminder – May 2, National Day of Prayer

I know as busy as we all are, it’s easy to forget something like the above. But our world, nation, state, and counties are in a serious moral decline and trouble plagues our nightly news. Only God’s intervention and our prayers can begin to turn things around. I’m praying for unity in our government, but not compromise. Nothing is impossible with God,…

Missionary Visits This Summer

Three Point will be privileged and honored to have Keith Penny, missionary to Honduras, and Tolik, Alyona and Roman Deminko, missionaries to Ukraine visit our church this summer. Keith Penny is supposed to come next month and the Deminkos sometime later in the summer. Let’s take the opportunity to speak to them, make them feel welcome and bless them in any way…

God’s Word

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path—Psalm 119:105 God’s word to us is so important. We must read and meditate on the Scriptures because God has chosen those words for you and for me. “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the…

Update on Student Prayer Movement in Ukraine

The below came as an e-mail from Tolik Deminko. I know you will rejoice with me when you read the below: Student prayer movement      We realize that dependence on God is the foundation for our whole ministry. If He will not work in people’s hearts, producing spiritual interest and building up His followers, everything we are doing will be in…

I Believe in God the Father Almighty

Hey Guys, Yesterday we began a series on the Apostles’ Creed. We are using the creed as a tool to look at truths from God’s Holy Word. Studying the Apostles’ Creed gives all of us a great opportunity to consider what the Bible says about what we should believe. We began by looking at the truth: I Believe in God the Father…

Keith Penny-Update in Honduras

I know it has been a while (months) since you have received an email report from me.Prior to coming to Honduras, I was involved in two Christian ministries, among others, that required the “going out” (“Go ye…”) to effect the sharing of the Gospel; one was a bus ministry and the other a ministry to unchurched teenagers in the community. It has…

“Love One Another”

Friday, February 15th, 7 PM A night of food, fun and fellowship You are cordially invited to the above event.  We will be serving dinner: lasagna, salad, bread and dessert, and playing several fun games such as, Bingo, How Well Do You Know Me? and others. This is a great opportunity to “eat out” and to get to know better your friends…