Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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The Fruit of the Spirit – Peace

Sometimes, it feels like we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Anxiety, depression, fear, unanswered questions, finances, and even our family and friends can leave us feeling overwhelmed and defeated. This is exactly where our enemy wants us to be. But what if I told you there was a secret to…

Being Spiritually FAT

In our lives being fat is not a good thing. It affects our health and even our self-image. However, when it comes to our spiritual discipline, being fat is what we need. Stay with me here and I’ll explain. The acronym FAT means, Faithful – church, small groups, etc…, Available – ready to serve, etc…,…

Merry Christmas

Christmas blessings in the name of the Incarnate Son of God, who upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). I pray that you and your loved ones will be richly blessed throughout a joyous and Christ-filled Christmas Season. I hope you will join us for Carols, Candles, and Communion tomorrow night…

In His Presence

Being a Christ follower, at its core, is all about the relationship we have with Him. In the same way we build our relationships with others through time and communication, it is important to strengthen our relationship with Jesus by communicating frequently with Him. It is through a vibrant and healthy prayer life and the…

Come, Joyful and Triumphant

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.  And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Matthew 2:10-11 Christmas is not just about acknowledging Jesus but adoring him.  It is not about our witness to the world but about worshiping Christ,…

Advent 2024 – Love

Last Sunday, we lit the candle of Hope, mindful of the hope that Jesus’ birth would bring to the world. This Sunday, we will light the candle of love. God, in His Word, tells us that He loves us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that…

Advent 2024

This Sunday begins the season of Advent – the “arrival.” As we enter into the Christmas season, we begin to schedule parties, plan shopping adventures, family gatherings, exploring all of the lights and festivities that this season brings. As recipients of the greatest Christmas gift of all, we often find ourselves focusing on all the…

Veteran’s Day 2024

We, as a Nation, have often been complacent in our expression of thanks for the fact that so many have served to provide the protection and freedoms we enjoy as Americans. With our freedom to worship God seemingly always under attack both from outside forces and those inside America, I believe we as churches should…