Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Latest News (Page 15)



Scared or Excited

As the days in quarantine continue for most of us, I am hearing similar words from friends and colleagues across the country: drained, down, Zoom-ed out, weary, exhausted, sad, struggling. The psychological toll of the lockdown hasn’t received the same coverage as the physical toll of the disease (and understandably so), but both are real, and both matter for those of us…

COVID-19 Update

As you know, Georgia has been under Shelter-At-Home orders for almost a month now. We were all very encouraged last week when Governor Kemp rolled out plans to allow specific businesses to reopen. While we are excited about the prospect of meeting together again, Three Point ministry environments are not very conducive to social distancing. Based on Federal guidelines, social distancing is…

Watch Us Live

Our commitment to serve you as a church doesn’t stop. So in this time of uncertainty, we invite you, your friends and families to join us online on Facebook each Sunday at 11am to enjoy the service. If you missed our live stream you can still view our previous messages and listen to worship on our webpage at www.3pointbiblechurch.com. We look forward…

Surviving the COVID apocalypse…

We have been meeting and will continue to meet online with our church during this COVID 19 period. We might still share the word together and pray together – even sing (awkwardly) together. But there is a power in physical presence and physical gathering that we can’t replace—of experiencing other people live and in color; of seeing them, and listening to them,…

Fear, Worry, and Being Prepared

One of the most-repeated commands in the Bible is to “fear not.” Jesus told us in the Sermon on the Mount not to worry about tomorrow. And Paul assured the Philippian Christians, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,…

Worship God – or Perish

“This people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Mark 7:6-7 We often don’t see worship as eternally significant. But God says to us, “We can either worship Him with great joy or harden our hearts and perish”. Psalm 95 urges us…

The Tangible Explosive Power of Prayer

I was blessed to have Christian parents and to be raised in a Christian home where God was honored. My mother was a real prayer warrior and encouraged us to pray about everything–nothing was too big or small to carry to the throne room of God. Our best example of the power of prayer was Jesus himself. Even though he was the…

Stir One Another

Often as Christ followers, we are concerned about our own walk with God. We focus on our quiet time, our prayer time, and how we can best live like Christ in today’s world. But the author of Hebrews lays down a challenge to all believers: “… let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works” (Hebrews 10:24.)…

A Great Big Thank You…

….to our leadership, staff, and helpers who made the Love One Another Banquet so enjoyable. The room was decorated beautifully, the food was delicious and the games had me laughing the whole time. We missed those who couldn’t attend. You missed a real treat. In an atmosphere like we had, it gave us an opportunity to have conversations with those who we…