Mirek Kulec (Missionary to Poland & Czech Republic) Thank you so much for a nice and loving letter. Here in Poland autumn has already ended, there are no more leaves on the trees, and snow is slowly beginning to fall. The days are cold, the nights are froze, but the children are waiting for big snow to play.Thank you for your prayer, it…
Pastor Paul preached a great message Sunday on Gratitude. With some of us (most of us?) we don’t think about gratitude very much. It’s only when we see a video like the one we saw from Voice of the Martyrs and on the evening news that makes us grateful that we don’t have to do jobs like cleaning our sewers, sweeping trash…
Being blessed to live in Atlanta, GA, we haven’t had to experience too much of the drastic weather listed above. But, if you read the newspaper, watch the news on TV or computer, you have seen and heard the trauma that our brothers and sisters across our nation have experienced. We, as a church, have sent toiletry bags to a church in…
Some of my happiest childhood memories are of Sunday School. This goes way back to the ‘50s so most of you may have a hard time relating to what I experienced. My parents were members of First Baptist Church of Hapeville. We had different classes like Primary (for 5 – 8), Junior, (for 8-11), etc. I remember the bible stories and scripture…
Even though I just turned 70, (Brenda Allen), I have never been a part of a “great revival” or what some theologists call a “great awakening”. The closest thing to it, I guess, were the Billy Graham crusades held in different cities in America and throughout the world. It always touched my heart to hear the choir singing “Just As I Am”…
….there will your heart be also. Luke 12:31 As of late, we have been bombarded in this country with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and fires. People have lost their homes, their possessions, and, yes, their very own lives. Recently in our group’s Micah 6:8 project, due to the generosity of our church members, we have been able to send to Wilmington, NC over…
We would like to thank everyone who contributed so generously to the above. I know a bag of toiletries seems like a small thing…until you have lost everything. Hopefully this will make things a little better for these folks and let them know that a church in Georgia cares about them.
Hey Guys, We have been in a series studying the Word of God. As we begin our Wednesday Night series, 40 Days In The Word, I want to encourage y’all to make it a daily habit to get into God’s Word. This Sunday I will begin a series on the book of 1 Peter. As we look around our world today, it’s…
Hi Brenda, It is always encouraging to hear that you are praying for us. This has been a particularly busy and stressful but profitable year here at North Cotes college for us. In reflection, we have seen the Lord undertake in amazing ways in answer to the prayers of people like yourselves. Thanks for praying. The new term is underway with 59…
As most of you know (especially those who were here Sunday), Pastor Paul is having out patient surgery on his shoulder later this week. Even though he doesn’t complain of the pain, or really even want to discuss it, I know he would appreciate your prayers. Thank you.