Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Latest News (Page 23)



Prayer for our Children and Teens

As the summer is coming to a close and our children are going back to school and graduates are thinking of college or jobs, let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers.  Many times, in the adolescent and teen years, are when serious decisions concerning salvation and life plans which are being made and developed. We are so blessed to have Leo…

Heart Check

I think, as Christians, we need to take time every so often and ask ourselves some important questions as related to how we are living our lives. Am I just trying to get through each day with as little effort as possible, or am I consciously looking for ways to make a difference in the lives of those God has placed there?…

Tuesday Night Prayer Group

If you have always wanted to learn “how” to pray, and need answers to your prayers, I strongly suggest you try the Tuesday night prayer group led by Chuck Fulghum.  It meets at 7:00 p.m. in the church sanctuary and ends when we are finished praying.  This is a mixed group of men and women who have encountered some of the most…

Vacation BIble School 2018 (photos included)

We are coming to the close of VBS 2018 tonight.  Renee Edmondson and her fantastic team of workers, both youth and adult, have put in long hours of preparation and teaching.  The children have had a wonderful time of creative learning about the heroes of the BIble and the character traits they possessed, and how they can be heroic in their own…

Great Attendance the First Night of VBS

Our Vacation Bible School Director, Renee Edmondson, reports that there were 18 children who attended VBS last night.  There were also plenty of youth and adults to help.  It’s not too late to attend.  As a reminder, the ages are three years old (potty trained) through 5th grade completed.  Each night starts at 6:00 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. and will…

Three Point VBS 2018 Starts Monday night, 7/9-7/13, 6pm-8:30pm

All children ages 3 (potty trained) through 5th Grade (completed) are welcome and encouraged to come!  There will be all kinds of activities, such as: Crafts, heroic recreation, fantastic Bible stories, learning from epic music and spectacular science.  The children as going to TRANSFORM into HEROES to learn how GOD’S heroes have HEART, COURAGE, WISDOM, HOPE AND POWER.  ALL KIDS WILL GET…