Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Latest News (Page 24)



News from Paul in Poland (pictures enclosed)

They’ve been experiencing a lot of rain over there, but they had a Bible study Thursday night.  It was streamed live to Russia, Ukraine and Germany as well as Poland and Czech Republic.  They are going to Krakow and Auschwitz tomorrow.  He will speak to the youth on Saturday, and preach at Mirek’s other church on Sunday.  Enclosed are pictures of the…

Pastor Paul and Philip on Mission Trip

     Wednesday, June 6th, Paul and Philip flew to Poland to visit our missionaries, Mirek and Gosia Kulec and their family. Over the years these two families have become close, and I believe this is Paul’s third visit to the Kulecs. Paul preached (and played bass guitar) at their services this past Sunday, and I know that the people there enjoyed…

Youth Return from Celebrate 2018

Our Youth Group returned safely this morning from the Celebrate 2018 Retreat.  Even though the kids looked tired, they looked excited too.  Leo Chancey, our Youth Pastor, expressed that he felt that the retreat was successful In many ways:  our teens met other young people from out of state and made new friendships, they got to know one another better and became…

Youth Group Heads to Tennessee

Our Youth Group has been working like crazy to earn funds toward the Celebrate 2018 retreat.  This morning 12 of our youth and our Youth Group Leader, Leo Chancey, headed out for Lee University in Cleveland, TN where the retreat will be held beginning today through this coming Friday.  I know they would appreciate the prayers of all of our members, for…

Installation and Ordination of Elders

Every Sunday at Three Point Bible Church is special, but this Sunday was a high water mark.  We were blessed to participate in the ordination of our three new Elders: Roger Swint, Kathy Swint and Steve DeVane. These three were installed along with our current Elders: Meg Cauchy, Ed Johnson and Edwin Soto.  We at Three Point were asked to pray for…

Popcorn Sales

Leo Chancey reported a total of $550 in popcorn sales toward the Celebrate 2018 tuitions.  Leo wanted me to thank everyone who participated. Reminder: there will be a youth car wash after church this coming Sunday from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.  These funds will also go toward Celebrate 2018 tuitions.

Youth Fundraisers for Upcoming Retreat

The Youth Retreat is fast approaching and to help defray the cost of admission, our industrious youth are holding two events:  a Car Wash and a Kids Night Out/Parents’ Night Off. The Car Wash will take place on Sunday, May 6th after church from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m..  They will be accepting donations for each car washed.   The Kids Night…


Our recent Holy Week was a time of fellowship, communion and celebration beginning with our Maundy Thursday service, Good Friday 12-hour prayer vigil and climaxing in our Sunday morning worship service. While the rest of the world focuses on the secular aspects of the season, on Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of…