Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Latest News (Page 8)



The Gifts of Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and, not surprisingly, my kids and grandchildren are looking forward to seeing what’s under the tree. The grandkids, at least, are still young enough that they are waiting with bated breath to learn what treasures they’ll be receiving. Ridge has already peeled back the corner to discover one of his presents.…

Immanuel, God with Us

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us). Matthew 1:23 The Christmas season is filled with family, friends, and activities – and yet there are many that feel isolated and alone. During these “dark” times, it can seem that no one knows us,…

Hope for the Season

This past week was filled with turkey, family, and Black Friday sales. Oh, and family turkeys! The year is winding down and we’re getting busy making plans and preparations for different events at church and at home. As we enter the second week of Advent, I find myself hoping for different things. A little peace,…