Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Faithful, Joyful, and Triumphant

Has Christmas just become another holiday season with great expectations, where the true meaning is lost? So much has been lost in this time of COVID, and I don’t want to lose my usual Christmas.

Mary and Joseph would understand how you and I feel. When this teenage mom and her new husband stepped into parenting the Promised One, I doubt they imagined what would follow.  As we see in the events of Matthew and Luke, the first Christmas could be summed up in the word, unusual. Perhaps we should be like Mary. In Luke 2:19 we read;

But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart

Jesus helps us to become more faithful, joyful, and triumphant. Our prayer for today is that you would experience the fullness of Christ; that you would know in your heart the outpouring of grace upon grace; that the glory of the only Son from the Father would shine into your heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ; that you would be amazed that Christ can be so real to you.