Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Jesus Appears

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord”—and that he had said these things to her. John 20:18

On the first day of the week, the disciples are scared, hiding, planning, and in fear of the Jews. Only Mary is at the tomb looking for Jesus. Finding the tomb empty, she believes that they have taken the body and moved Jesus somewhere else. When Jesus reveals Himself to her, her sorrow turns from despair to great joy. Jesus then tasks her to tell the disciples that He has risen.

The disciples are in shock, but Jesus tells them, “Peace.” He shows them His scars and they believe. Jesus doesn’t chastise them or condemn them for their running. In fact, He tells them that He is going to send them like He was sent.

Our Savior is a God of second, third, fourth, etc… chances. He wants to use us – failings and all. His resurrection not only changed the lives of His disciples, but it changes our lives, too.