Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Living Differently

Jesus calls us to be distinctly different. In Matthew 5:3-12, Jesus mentions 8 specific blessings. We call these the Beatitudes. How, as Christ followers, are we different from the world?Jesus shows us a different way of righteousness. Jesus shows us a different way of love.

We don’t love because of the bottom line or if people show us love and favor. We love the unlovely and the unlovable and even the enemy because that’s how we’ve been loved by God. We were once His enemy and unlovely and unlovable.

Those that are poor in spirit (who acknowledge their need) for God, who mourn about our sin and the sins of the world, we don’t get all puffed up like we can fix this all but we hunger for what God does to set things right in the world. This is the character of one that follows Jesus.