Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Psalm 109 – Praying Mad

Be not silent, O God of my praise!

Psalm 109:1

Anger makes us uncomfortable – not stub your toe angry, but injustice, betrayal, raw end of the deal anger.

  • Spouse unfaithful
  • Passed over for a promised promotion and then let go
  • Growing up in bad family situation – shame

Anger affects the way we interact with people; our moods and unrelinquished feelings. Anger grips our hearts and eats us alive from the inside out.

Psalm 109 is an imprecatory Psalm of David (praying for revenge on your enemies.) We feel to pray this is too raw, too messy emotionally – but the Bible understands this – God understands this. So, why is it important to study this Psalm?

It teaches us to come before God honestly. If you’re angry, be angry – if you’re desperate, be desperate. Then, we leave it to God. David is angry, but he is leaving it to God.

God understands our anger and frustrations because he had people around Him that lied, cheated, condemned – it was all of us. He responded by putting all the curses on Jesus at the cross. Was God angry? Yes! He was, but God took it all on Himself. God understands what you’re going through.