Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

The Preacher Pouts

Jonah’s angry at God, and he’s angry that God forgave the Ninevites. Jonah is saying, “God, thank You for being patient with me, but I will never be patient with Nineveh.  God, thank you for giving me a second chance. God, thank you for forgiving me.  Thank you for forgiving my sin.  Thank you for forgiving me my lust.  Thank you for forgiving me for running away from You.  Thank you for showing me forgiveness, but I will never ever forgive Nineveh.”   

Here’s the reality of Jonah, Chapter 4, it’s that life is about Jonah.  It’s all about Jonah … about his anger, about his unforgiveness, about his comfort, about God taking the vine. 

Is life all about you? The reality is that we are a self-centered culture and life is all about us. We read magazines like “Us” and “People” and we’re concerned about our own happiness.

What is Nineveh?  Nineveh is when you walk out of your front door and you immediately lock eyes with someone.  That’s Nineveh. We live in a world today where marriages are falling apart, where kids don’t have dads, where homeless don’t have food, they don’t have shelter, but literally, life’s all about us. 

People are hurting.  We’re in Nineveh.  How are we going to respond? To make a difference?