Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

More than a Feeling

John 4 contains a fascinating dialogue between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. Having surprised her by recounting some of her own life story, Jesus began to teach her about the true nature of worship. He then said “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seek

As I think about our churches today, when we mention praise and worship, we think about singing and playing. Our churches have become more like DWTS and American Idol and if the music isn’t good, we just go somewhere else. These churches build an audience devoted to entertainment. The message gets lost in the presentation. Tim Challies, a pastor that I follow, often asks if we are worshiping the seeker instead of worshipping God. Worshipping in spirit and in truth is worship that involves the whole heart and is in harmony with God’s revealed truth. To quote the prophet Boston, it’s “More than a Feeling.”

If God Himself is the one seeking worshippers, will He go where worship is shallow and meaningless? Will He associate Himself with those who are more concerned with entertaining the world than in truly honoring God? I believe (and scripture backs this up) that God will seek and will find those who worship Him the way He desires to be worshipped. Let us be the church that is concerned about the One who we are to glorify. Let us all be Transformed into true worshipers in all aspects of our lives. I would love to hear your thoughts.
