Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

Dangerous and Bold Prayers – part 3

See if there is any offensive way in me…. Psalm 139:24

This week we are looking at praying dangerous and bold prayers. In Psalm 139, David asks God to look at four specific areas in his life. The first area was his heart. Second, David prays that God would reveal his fears, his anxious thoughts. This is where it gets even a little more difficult. David asks God to uncover his sins. Show me, God, anything about my life that is inconsistent with your truth. God, show me anything that I’m doing that’s displeasing to you. See if there is any offensive way in me,”

Have you noticed, it’s really difficult to see our sins in the mirror? Oh, it’s so easy to find everybody else’s. We tend to accuse others and we excuse ourselves. It’s so easy to see everybody else’s sins, but not our own. The heart is deceitful above all things. The most common lies are the ones that we tell ourselves. That’s why it takes tremendous courage to say, “Search my heart, God. Test me. Know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me,” and this can be one of the most game changing prayers you ever pray, when you give God permission to point out any sin that’s dwelling within your heart.

Let me give you three questions to ask yourself as you’re praying, “Uncover my sins.”

1)      What are others trying to tell me?

In other words, if you’ve got people who love you consistently telling you something, it might be something you want to pay a little closer attention.

2)      What have I rationalized?

In other words, “Yeah, this may not be right, but it’s not that big of a deal, and this is just how I deal with things. This is how I cope. It’s nobody else’s business anyway. This isn’t really hurting anybody. This is my one thing,” or whatever. What do you rationalize?

3)      Where am I most defensive?

“No, we’re not going there. No, we’re not talking about that. No, don’t you judge me. No, I don’t have a problem with that. No, back off. I told you we’re not talking about that.” Where are you most defensive?

When you have the courage to pray this prayer, “See if there is any offensive way in me,” God will point some things out that you’ve been trying to explain away for a long time. God will point some things out that you’re trying to deny. Submit yourself to what God is trying to show you, and then have the courage to bring it to light. This is a bold and dangerous prayer. It takes courage to pray it, because when you pray it, He’ll show you some things about yourself that you’re not real proud of, but there’s always grace – and His grace is Amazing Grace.