Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

God’s Power

Cars today come equipped with many bells and whistles. Some have driver assist that will keep your car in the lane and alert the driver when you begin to cross the line. There are heated seats and even seats that have air conditioning! And of course, a voice that will help you navigate to your desired location. All of these things can make for a wonderful experience, but if the battery is dead, the car is useless.

For Christ followers, we may have the latest version of the Bible, we may show up every time the church doors are open, and we may even serve on various committees and volunteer for many opportunities, however, if we are not connected to our source of power – God, then we are like the new car with a dead battery.

Plug into God’s power today. Spend time in the Word (Bible). Spend time in prayer (His presence). Meet with other believers (Community/Church) to encourage one another, as we grow more Christlike in the power of God.