Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

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Hope for the Season

This past week was filled with turkey, family, and Black Friday sales. Oh, and family turkeys! The year is winding down and we’re getting busy making plans and preparations for different events at church and at home. As we enter the second week of Advent, I find myself hoping for different things. A little peace,…

Capable of Anything

12 Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. 1 Corinthians 10:12 King David was coming off about twenty years of spiritual success. He was walking with God – a man after God’s heart. He didn’t wake up one day with the intention of falling into sin – he was caught off guard. Many of us don’t think that…

Hard Saying

Jesus did not preach an easy-listening message. He didn’t come to be popular. He taught repentance and that life was only found in Him. Just as many today can be drawn to different aspects of Christianity, there are those who turn away from the gospel because they don’t like its teachings, demands, exclusivity, or the…

Seeing God’s Blessings

Sandra and I were talking about some of the many exciting miracles in the Bible. Wasn’t it amazing when Jesus caused blind eyes to see or demon-possessed people to be made whole? How about the thousands that were fed on a Galilean hillside? Or the woman that was healed by simply touching His robe? We…

March Prayer Month

Join our Prayer Challenge for the entire month of March. We will be seeking God for one hour each day for the next 31 days. We’re calling on God to bring revival, and for His Spirit to once again rule our nation, homes, and lives.  Will you join us? Below are the times and ZOOM links. Mondays with Dr. Cook – 11:30a.m.…

No Other Name

Modern culture is quick to teach that there are many paths to God – but that isn’t true. The Bible says of Jesus, “There is salvation in no one else…” (Acts4:12) This passage makes clear that Jesus is the only way to salvation. For mankind to be saved, God had to be the Savior. There is only one way, one truth, and…

As Is

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! —2 Corinthians 5:17 Some people are really good at looking at a piece of junk and finding a treasure. They understand its worth and know how to restore it to its former glory. God is like that. He takes us “as is” –…

It’s Christmas…

I grew up thinking everything I heard in Christmas songs was literal. There really were nine reindeer and they pulled Santa’s sleigh in the exact order of the song we all sang together! And I really did need to watch out and not cry because Santa Claus had some level of magical surveillance and was coming to town (or my mom would…