Loving God, Loving Others, Making Disciples

What Does God Think Of You

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

What do you think God thinks about you? Is he happy with you? Is he disappointed? Does he put up with you?  What can you do about it? Can you influence what God thinks about you? These questions are important, because what we think about God determines almost everything about our lives.

One of the most awesome descriptions of the wrath of God in judgment found anywhere in Scripture appears in the opening verses of Zephaniah. Everything will be consumed in his burning anger. The very order of creation shall be overturned. However, one of the most moving descriptions of the love of God for his people found anywhere in Scripture appears in the closing verses of Zephaniah.

Yes, God is as angry at sin – even more so, than we think He is. However, He loves us more deeply than we could ever imagine.