When Daniel learned that the new law had been signed, he went home and knelt down to pray as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows wide open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done his entire life, thanking and praising God. So Daniel’s enemies went together…
Daniel Chapter 5 is a contrast between two different types of people. Belshazzar, the king, and Daniel. Belshazzar is prideful, arrogant and did not learn from his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar. He made 3 fatal mistakes. He chose to ignore God, he chose to ignore the lessons from his grandfather, and he chose to be prideful and…
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20 How are we supposed to respond to an unfriendly culture? Over the next couple weeks, we’re going to discover how to survive and thrive in a…